复旦大学 国际政治专业 法学博士,2007;
上海大学 专门史专业 史学硕士,2004;
南昌大学 新闻学专业 文学学士,1998年。
研究领域 :
宗教与国际关系; 宗教与外交;宗教与美国政治;基督教史
代表性科研项目 :
代表性论著 :
Name TU Yichao
Position/Title Associate Professor
Institute/Department Center for American Studies, Fudan University
Tu Yichao, Associate Professor at Center for American Studies, Fudan University; Research fellow at Center for religion and China’s National Security, a Shanghai University Think Tank; Adjunct fellow at The Charhar Institute. The courses she teaches or taught include Religion and Society in the U.S., Religion and International Relations.
Religion and International Relations, Religion and Diplomacy, Religion and Politics in the U.S., The History of Christianity
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in International Relations, Fudan University, 2007
M.A. in History, Shanghai University, 2004
B.A. in Journalism, Nanchang University, 1998
Working Experience
2007- present Center for American Studies, Fudan University
2014-2015 Henry Luce China Program Fellow, National Humanities Center.
2009-2010 Post-doc fellow, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs
2008-2009 Visiting Fellow, Divinity School, Yale University
Research Projects
Research programs sponsored by national social science foundation: Christianity and Contemporary Sino-U.S. Relations.
Shanghai Pujiang Program
Major Publications
Tu Yichao, American Evangelicals and International Relations: A Case Study of Rev. Billy Graham, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2010.
Walter Russell Mead, translated by Tu Yichao, Luo Yiqing, God and Gold: Britain, America, and the Making of the Modern World, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2014.
Contact details:( phone number 021-65642599, email address tuyichao@fudan.edu.cn, fax 021-65119567)