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1. 国际法上普遍管辖的中国视角——评朱利江《对国内战争罪的普遍管辖与国际法》,载于《北大国际法与比较法评论》,第6卷(总第9期),2008年,第91-95页;

2. 评《国际公法》中文版——兼谈国际公法研究及翻译的几个问题,载于《北大国际法与比较法评论》,第4卷(总第7期),2006年,第171-181页;

3. 国际强行法保护的人权,载于《政法论坛》,2004年第2期,第30-35页。

4. 论国际法上对妇女暴力行为的责任,载于《中外法学》,2002年第3期,第320-329页。

5. 从国际法角度看国际恐怖主义的界定问题,载于《现代国际关系》,2002年第10期,第28-34页。

6. 国际法中的国家与个人,载于《杭州师范学院学报》,2001年第4期,第34-42页。

7. 国际法上的自决与禁止使用武力,载于《国际法学论丛》,当代世界出版社,1999年,第145-160页;

8. 《世界人权宣言》在国际人权法上的地位和作用,载于《中外法学》,1998年第6期,第43-48页;

9. 论内部自决和外部自决,载于《法学研究》,1997年第3期,第105-116页;

10. 国际法上的自决权与少数者权利,载于《中外法学》,1997年第4期,第28-36页;

11. 土著人与自决权,载于《中外法学》,1997年第6期,第59-69页;

12. 梅尔斯·麦克杜格尔与政策定向学派,载于《中国国际法年刊》,1996年;

13. 自决与分离,载于《中国国际法年刊》,1996年,第45-62页;

14. 论国际人权法的等级,载于《中国国际法年刊》,1994年,第19-30页;

15. 国际人权法中的几个理论问题,载于《和平、正义与法》(王铁崖先生八十寿辰纪念论文集),中国国际广播出版社,1993年版,第304-315页;

16. 论人民自决权,载于《中国国际法年刊》,1993年,第93-112页;

17. 论新一代人权,载于《法学研究》,1991年第5期,第1-6页;

18. 政策定向学说的国际法理论,载于《中国国际法年刊》,1990年,第201-224页;

19. 国家主权与国际法,载于《中外法学》,1990年第5期,第31-35页。

20. 《国际法》(第三版)(独著),北京大学出版社,2015年版;

21. 《国际法上的自决》(独著),中国华侨出版社,1999年;

22. 《国际法上的人权》(合著),北京大学出版社,1997年版;

23. 《人权知识未成年人权利读本》(主编),湖南大学出版社,2012年版;

24. 《人权法教学参考资料选编》(主编),北京大学出版社,2012年版;

25. 《国际法》(合著),中国人民大学出版社,2007年版;

26. 《国际法上的人权》(合著),北京大学出版社,1997年版;

27. 《法治视野下的人权问题》(主编),北京大学出版社,2003年版;

28. 《人权法学》(主编),北京大学出版社,2015年第二版;

29. 《人权与发展:中国和加拿大的视角》(主编),法律出版社,1998年版;

30. A Universal but ‘Non-hegemonic’ Approach to Human Rights in International Politics: A Cosmopolitan Exploration for China, 载于Theories about and Strategies against Hegemonic Social Sciences, 2013;

31. Smith, Rhona and Bai, Guimei (2015): Higher Education in Human Rights within China—A Ten-year Review of the Peking University Model, Asian Journal of Legal Education 2(2) 81–99 2015, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences SAGE Publications;

33. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Chinese Law on the Protection of the Rights of Minority Nationalities, 载于Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2004, pp.441-470;

34. International Human Rights Law and the Elimination of Violence Against Women: China’s Theory and Practice, 载于Human Rights:Chinese and Canadian Perspectives, edited by EP Mendes and AM Traeholt, 1997, pp.391-395;

35. Are there any Hierarchies of Human Rights in International Law?, 载于Human rights: Chinese and Dutch perspectives, edited by P. R. Baehr et al, Marinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996, pp.133-142.


1. 《国际法》(第六版),作者(英)马尔科姆•肖,北京大学出版社,2011年;

2. 《中华法学大辞典 国际法学卷》国际法学派和人物的词条,中国检察出版社,1996年版,约6万字;

3. 人权走向世界的艰难历程,作者(意)卡波道蒂,载于《西方人权学说》(下卷),1994年,四川人民出版社,第451-478页;

4. 作为‘权利’的国际人权,作者(美)亨金,载于《西方人权学说》(下卷),1994年,四川人民出版社,第498-511页;

5. 国际法的理论与实践,作者(芬兰)本奇特•布罗姆斯,载于《中国国际法年刊》,1994年9月,第571-578页。

Guimei Bai

Professor, Peking University Law School

Executive Director of the Research Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Educational Background

B.A in English Language, Western Languages Department of Peking University,

LLM in international law, Peking University Law School,

LLM in international law, Dalhousie University Law School, Canada,

PhD in international law, Peking University Law School,

Working Experience

1978-1979, Western Languages Department of Peking University , teaching English Language;

Since 1982, Peking University Law School, teaching international law

Academic Visits and Activities

Visiting scholar in Charles University, Czech Republic, from August to September, 2015;

Visiting scholar in Aix-Marseille University, France, in the Fall semester of 2013-2014;

Presenting in the seminar on “Human Rights and Human Rights Education in China”, in Utrecht University, the Netherlands, in November 2013;

Participating the UN Human Rights Council seventeenth session of universal periodic review, in Geneva, Switzerland, in October 2013;

Tutoring in the Human Rights Summer School, jointly held by the School of Continuing Education of Oxford University and the Law School of George Washington University, in July 2001;

Doing research in Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Lund University, Sweden, in August and September 1999;

Visiting scholar in New York University Law School, USA, for 4 months, 1995-1996;

Visiting scholar in Dalhousie University Law School, Canada, for half a year, 1988-1989.

Field of Research

International Law;

The Fundamental Theories of International Law;

International Human Rights Law



International Law (Third edtition), Peking University Press, 2015;

Human Rights Law (Ed), Second edition, Peking University Press, 2015;

Human Rights Knowledge on the rights of the Child, Hunan University Press,2012;

International Law(Coauthor), China Renmin University Press, 2007;

Human Rights in International Law(Ed), Peking University Press, 2006;

Self-determination in International Law, the Chinese Overseas Publishing House,1999;

Human Rights and Development: Chinese and Canadian Perspectives(Ed), Law Press, 1998;

Human Rights in International Law (Coauthor), Peking University Press, 1997.

Published Articles in Chinese:

1. China’s perspective on the Universal Jurisdiction in International Law——Comments on Zhu Lijiang’s Universal jurisdiction over war crimes in non-international armed conflicts and international law, Peking University International and Comparative Law Review, Vol.6, 2008, pp.91-95;

2. Commenting the Chinese Version of International Public Law——also on the Issues of Research and Translation of International Public Law, Peking University International and Comparative Law Review, Vol.4, 2006, PP.171-181;

3. Human Rights Protected by International Jus Cogens, The Political Science and Law Tribure, Vol. 22 ,No. 2 , 2004, pp.30-35;

4. Enhancing the Research on International Human Rights Law, Cass Journal of Law, Vol.2, 2004, pp.134-135;

5. The Rules for States to Obey in International Relations, Popular Tribune, No.2, 2003, pp.26-28;

6. The Responsibility of the Violence Against Women in International Law, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.3, 2002, pp. 320-329;

7. The Problem in Defining International Terrorism: from the Perspective of International Law, Contemporary International Relations, Vol.10, pp.28-34;

8. The Status and Impact of the UDHR in International Human Rights Law, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.6, 1998, pp.43-48;

9. The External and Internal Self-Determination, CASS Journal of Law, Vol.3, 1997, pp.105-116;

10. The Rights to Self-Determination and the Minority Rights in International Law, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.4, 1997, pp.28-36;

11. The indigenous people and the Rights to Self-Determination, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.6, 1997, pp.59-69;

12. The Rights to Self-Determination of People, Chinese Yearbook of International Law, 1993, pp.93-112;

13. The New Generation of Human Rights,CASS Journal of Law, Vol.5, 1991, pp.1-6;

14. State Sovereignty and International Law, Peking University Law Journal, Vol.5, 1990, pp.31-35.

Published Articles in English:

1.Smith, Rhona and Bai, Guimei (2015): Higher Education in Human Rights within China—A Ten-year Review of the Peking University Model, Asian Journal of Legal Education 2(2) 81–99 2015, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences SAGE Publications

2.Smith, Rhona and Bai, Guimei (2011): Creating a culture of human rights education in China. Online Festschrift in Honour of Katarina Tomaševski, published by: Raoul Wallenberg Institute ( http://rwi.lu.se/what-we- do/academic-activities/pub/tomasevski/ )

3. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Chinese Law on the Protection of the Rights of Minority Nationalities, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2004, pp.441-470;

4.“International Human Rights Law and the Elimination of Violence Against Women: China’s Theory and Practice”, Human Rights:Chinese and Canadian Perspectives, edited by E. P. Mendes and AM Traeholt, 1997, PP 391-395;

5. “Are there any Hierarchies of Human Rights in International Law?”, Human rights: Chinese and Dutch perspectives, edited by P. R. Baehr et al, Marinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996, pp.133-142.

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