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教育背景: 经济法学士 国际法硕士 国际法博士,2006年6月毕业于武汉大学法学院国际法专业

研究领域: 国际环境法 欧盟法 世界贸易组织法 国际组织法


主持 教育部人文社科青年基金“后京都时代的气候变化的实施制度”(项目号:11YJC820049)

主持中国政法大学2011年校级人文社会科学研究青年项目 “欧盟碳排放权贸易机制及其实施研究”(项目号:11ZFQ82013)

主持2011年北京市法学会专项项目:欧盟碳排放权贸易机制研究:挑战、启示与借鉴 (项目号:BLS(2011)C022); 被评为“优秀结项成果”

主持校级教改项目 “象法律职业人一样思维(IRAC)教学模式的引进”(项目号201207)




翻译并审校Adam B. Jaffe & Josh Lerner, Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do About It,Princeton University Press 2004,《创新及其不满-不完善的美国专利体系对创新的危害及其应对》,中国人民大学出版社2007年6月出版;


“Environmental impact assessment in preventing transboundary river pollution under international law: an analysis ”, Transboundary Pollution: Evolving Issues of International Law and Policy,chapter 5, 2015. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

《欧盟航空减排贸易指令的国际法分析》,载《中欧投资与贸易相关法律问题暨欧盟法研究》,广西师范大学出版社2014. 4: 91-99.





Comments on EU Aviation ETS Directive and EU-China Aviation Emission Dispute, Revue Juridique Themis 2011,vol.45(3),pp.589-607.


《福岛核事故,日本是否负有国家责任》,《世界环境》2011年第3期, 2011(3):52-55。

《简析2009年美国气候变化法案——兼论对中国的挑战和借鉴》,《武汉大学国际法评论》第13卷,2010年;Vol.13 (2):328-347.


2012年 北京市法学会优秀结项成果奖(项目号:BLS(2011)C022)

2011年 校级优秀教学成果奖(三等)


Position/Title :Associate Professor

Institute/Department : Faculty of International Law, China Political Science and Law


·Bachelor degree in law; Master and doctoral degree in international law

·Visiting Scholar of Chicago-Kent Law School of IIT,2014.-2015

·Visiting Scholar of Duquesne Law School , 2013 04-05.

·the Dutch Visitors Program in 2013 (March), supported by Dutch Foreign Ministry and Economic Ministry.

Expertise: International Environmental Law (climate change issues/transboundary waters particularly), European Law, WTO Law

Academic Qualifications: academic adviser.

Working Experience: work in CUPL since 2006

Research Projects:

1. Implementation of Climate Change mechanisms in Post Kyoto Era, ( project supported by Ministry of Education, 11YJC820049)

2. EU Emission Trading Scheme: challenge and implications,( project from Beijing Law Society ,BLS-2011-C022)

Major Publications:

Implementation Mechnisms of Multilateral Environmental Agreements, Intellectual Property Publishing House 2011.

“Environmental impact assessment in preventing transboundary river pollution under international law: an analysis ”,Transboundary Pollution: Evolving Issues of International Law and Policy,chapter 5, 2015. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. pp.116-136.

·Analysis on EU Directive on Aviation ETS from Perspective of International Law, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition), Vol.14(3)2012, pp.117-122.

·A moot court course in international law together with Jessup competition: necessity, role and availability. China legal education,2012(3):53-64.

·Comments on EU Aviation ETS Directive and EU-China Aviation Emission Dispute, Revue Juridique Themis (Canada) 2011,vol.45(3),pp.589-607.

·Prior Notification in the Use of Transboundary Waters: from the Perspective of Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay, Journal of China University of Geosciences, Vol.11(2),2011,pp.44-49.

·Analysis of UK’s Climate Change Act of 2008, Journal of Shandong University of Science and Technology, Vol.12(3), 2010, pp.69-76.

·Analysis on the Bills of Climate Change of 2009 in USA, International Law Review of Wuhan University, Vol13,2010, pp.328-347.

·Comments and Reflections from the Case Concerning Pulp Mills on the Uruguay River, Journal of World Environment, Vol.129, 2011,pp.61-63.

·Should Japan Take the International Responsibility for the Fukushima Nuclear Accident? Journal of World Environment, Vol.130, 2011,pp.52-55.

·Case Study on Gabcíkovo-Nagymaros Project HUNGARY/SLOVAKIA The Study on New Landmark Cases of International Court of Justice (Chapter 8), the Commercial Press 2006;

Contact details:( phone number, email address, fax):

No.25, Xitucheng Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100088, China

Faculty of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law

Email: lanhua@cupl.edu.cn, lanhuacupl@163.com

Honors and awards

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