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高圣惕:不以大陆架界限委员会建议为基础的外大陆架外部界限: 日本第302号内阁政令(下篇)

发布时间:2020-08-02  点击率:793











[①]外大陆架,指超越200海里的大陆架的部分。英文为outer continental shelf或extended continental shelf。


[③]《日本专属经济区和大陆架法》(法律编号74 of 1996)的英文翻译,FAO,



[⑤] Jon Van Dyke, “Speck in the Ocean Meets Law of the Sea”, New York Times, January 21,1988, p. A26,


YukieYoshikawa, “The US-Japan-China Mistrust Spiral and Okinotorishima”, TheAsia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol.5, Issue 10, 2007, https://apjjf.org/-Yukie-YOSHIKAWA/2541/article.html;Ralph Jennings, “Japan Is Quietly Building A Tiny TropicalIslet, But An Angry China Has Noticed” , Forbes, July 17, 2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/ralphjennings/2016/07/17/japan-is-quietly-building-a-tiny-tropical-islet-but-an-angry-china-has-noticed/#5e3e9af9705b.访问日期:2018年12月11日。


[⑦] “Progress of Work in the CLCS-Statement by the Chairperson” (CLCS/74)for the 29th Session in New York, 19 March-27 April2012, para. 19 in page 5, https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N12/326/32/PDF/N1232632.pdf?OpenElement. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[⑧] Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Recent Decisions by theCommission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Japan’s Submission forOuter Continental Shelf”, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol.11, No.3, 2012, pp.487-504.

[⑨]Jon Van Dyke, “Speck in the Ocean Meets Law ofthe Sea”, New York Times, January 21, 1988, p. A26,


Jia Yu and Wu Ji-Lu, “The Outer ContinentalShelf of Coastal States and the Common Heritage of Mankind”, OceanDevelopment and International Law,Vol.42, No.4, 2011, pp. 321-322 .

[⑩] Figure 27, entitled“BathymetricMap Showing Outer Edge Formula Lines in the Shikoku Basin Region”, in Summary of Recommendations of CLCSinRegardtotheSubmission Madeby Japanon 12 November 2008, Available in: http://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/submissions_files/jpn08/com_sumrec_jpn_fin.pdf.访问日期:2018年12月11日。


[12] Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship between the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell, eds., OceanManagement in The 21st Century: Institutional Frameworks andResponses,2004, Leiden (Netherlands) Martinus Nijhoff Pub., pp. 119-122; McDorman,“The Role of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: A TechnicalBody in a Political World”, The International Journal of Marine and CoastalLaw, Vol.17, No.3, 2002,pp. 313-317; Ron Macnab, “The Case for Transparencyin the Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOSArticle 76”, Ocean Development and International Law,Vol.35, No.1, 2004,p. 11;

Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, The International Journal ofMarine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2006, p.53.

[13]Churchill & Lowe, The Law of the Sea, 1999,Manchester University Press, 3rd ed.p. 149.

David Colson,“The Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf Between neighboring States”,in American Journal of InternationalLaw, Vol. 97, 2003, pp. 93, footnote 12.

ØysteinJensen, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: AnAdministrative, Scientific, or Judicial Institution?”, Ocean Development and International Law,Vol. 45, No. 2, 2014, pp. 176 .

ILA, Berlin Conference (2004) - Legal Issues of the Outer ContinentalShelf, 2004, pp. 21-22.

[14]《维也纳条约法公约》第31(1)-(2)条规定:“1. 条约应依其用语按其上下文并参照条约之目的及宗旨所具有之通常意义,善意解释之。2. 就解释条约而言,上下文除指连同弁言及附件在内之约文外,并应包括……”。此条约本文下载于https://treaties.un.org/doc/publication/unts/volume%201155/volume-1155-i-18232-english.pdf访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[15]Richard Gardiner, Treaty Interpretation, 2015, 2nd ed. OxfordUniversity Press, p. 197.






Alexandre Pereira da Silva, “Dealing withArticles 76 and 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea:Legal and Political Challenges for Brazil”, Ocean Yearbook, Vol. 28, 2014, p.161;

McDorman, “The Entry into Force of the 1982 LOSConvention and Article 76 Outer Continental Shelf Regime”, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol.10,No.2, 1995, p.178 .

[20] Richard Gardiner, Treaty Interpretation, 2015, 2nded. Oxford University Press, pp. 179-180.

Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1973, 2nd ed, ManchesterUniversity Press, p.118 .

[21] DavidColson,“The Delimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf Between neighboringStates”, AmericanJournal of International Law, Vol. 97, 2003,p. 102.

Øystein Jensen, “The Commission on the Limitsof the Continental Shelf: An Administrative, Scientific, or JudicialInstitution?”, Ocean Development and International Law,Vol. 45, No. 2, 2014, pp.177.

[22] Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, pp.679-681, 687-690 .

David Colson, “TheDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf Between Neighboring States”, AmericanJournal of International Law, Vol. 97, 2003,,p. 93, footnote 11. 另参见McDorman,“The Continental Shelf”, in Rothwell, Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds),The Oxford Handbook of the Law of theSea, 2017, Oxford University Press, p.190.


Ron Macnab, “The Case for Transparency in theDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOS Article76”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2004, pp.5-9.



[26] Richard Gardiner, Treaty Interpretation, 2015, 2nd ed, OxfordUniversity Press, pp.179-180.

Ian Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, 1973, 2nded., Manchester University Press, p.118 .



Ron Macnab, “The Case for Transparency in theDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOS Article76”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2004, p.9 .

McDorman, “The Entry into Force of the 1982 LOSConvention and Article 76 Outer Continental Shelf Regime”, International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995,p.178 .


Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p.111.

Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, pp.682-683.

ILA, Berlin Conference (2004) - Legal Issues of the Outer ContinentalShelf, 2004, p. 10.

[30]参见委员会的《议事规则》(Rules of Procedure)第54条。https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N08/309/23/PDF/N0830923.pdf?OpenElement. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

Alex G. Oude Elferink, “’openness’ and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Process Does Not Need to Be Adjusted”,Ocean Development and InternationalLaw, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2009, p.40.


Ron Macnab,“The Case for Transparency in theDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOS Article76”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2004, p.12.


Churchill & Lowe, The Law of the Sea,1999, 3rd ed., Manchester University Press, pp. 148-149.另参见Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, p.44.


[34]McDorman, “The Role of the Commission on theLimits of the Continental Shelf: A Technical Body in a Political World”,The International Journal of Marine and CoastalLaw, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2002, p. 309.

Alex G. Oude Elferink, “Openness and Article 76of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Process Does Not Need to Be Adjusted”, Ocean Development and International Law,Vol. 40, No. 1, 2009, p.38.

ILA, Berlin Conference (2004) - Legal Issues of the Outer ContinentalShelf, 2004, p. 22 .


Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law,Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, pp. 50-51.

[36] Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship between the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p.121 .


Aldo Chircop,“Managing Adjacency: Some LegalAspects of the Relationship Between the Extended Continental Shelf and theInternational Seabed Area”, OceanDevelopment and International Law, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2011, p. 308.

[38]McDorman, “The Role of the Commission on theLimits of the Continental Shelf: A Technical Body in a Political World”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 17, No. 3,2002, pp. 308,324.

[39]《公约》第1(1)(1)条。另参见McDorman, “The Continental Shelf”, in Rothwell,Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds), TheOxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, 2017, Oxford UniversityPress, p.190.


Delimitation of the MaritimeBoundary in the Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh/Myanmar) (Judgment) [2012] ITLOSReport 4, para. 407.

McDorman, “The Continental Shelf”, in Rothwell,Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds), TheOxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, 2017, Oxford UniversityPress, p.192.







[47] Ron Macnab, “The Case for Transparency in theDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOS Article76”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2004, pp. 1,11.

Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship between the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, pp.110-112.

McDorman, “The Entry into Force of the 1982 LOSConvention and Article 76 Outer Continental Shelf Regime”, InternationalJournal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995, p.178.

McDorman, “The Role of the Commission on theLimits of the Continental Shelf: A Technical Body in a Political World”, The International Journal of Marine and CoastalLaw, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2002, p. 319.

Aldo Chircop,“Managing Adjacency: Some LegalAspects of the Relationship Between the Extended Continental Shelf and theInternational Seabed Area”, OceanDevelopment and International Law,Vol. 42, No. 4, 2011, p.308.

Øystein Jensen, “The Commission on the Limitsof the Continental Shelf: An Administrative, Scientific, or JudicialInstitution?”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2014, p.177.

[48] McDorman, “The Continental Shelf”, inRothwell, Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, 2017, OxfordUniversity Press, p. 192.

ILA, Berlin Conference (2004) - Legal Issues of the Outer ContinentalShelf, 2004, p. 2.

[49] Ron Macnab, “The Case for Transparency in theDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOS Article76”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2004, pp. 1, 11.

[50] Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, p.50.

Ron Macnab, “The Case for Transparency in theDelimitation of the Outer Continental Shelf in Accordance with UNCLOS Article76”, Ocean Development andInternational Law, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2004, p. 9.

Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, p. 692.

[51] McDorman, “The Role of the Commission on theLimits of the Continental Shelf: A Technical Body in a Political World”, The International Journal of Marine and CoastalLaw, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2002, p.320 .

McDorman, “The Continental Shelf”, in Rothwell,Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds), TheOxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, 2017, Oxford UniversityPress, p. 192.

[52] Aldo Chircop,“Managing Adjacency: Some LegalAspects of the Relationship Between the Extended Continental Shelf and theInternational Seabed Area”, OceanDevelopment and International Law, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2011, p. 308.

Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MatinusNijhoff Publishers, pp. 119-120.

[53] McDorman, “The Continental Shelf”, inRothwell, Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, 2017, OxfordUniversity Press, pp.191-192 .

[54] Clive Symmons, “The Irish Partial Submissionto the CLCS in 2005: A Precedent for Future Such Submissions in the Light ofthe ‘Disputed Areas’ Procedures of the Commission”, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 37, 2006,pp. 303, 308 .




McDorman, “The Continental Shelf”, in Rothwell,Oude Elferink, Scott, and Stephens (eds), TheOxford Handbook of the Law of the Sea, 2017, Oxford UniversityPress, p.196.

Alex G. Oude Elferink, “Openness and Article 76of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Process Does Not Need to Be Adjusted”, Ocean Development and International Law,Vol. 40, No. 1, 2009, p.39.

[58] Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, p. 40.

[59] Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, p. 38.


[61] Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p. 114.

[62] Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, pp. 38-39.

[63] CLCS, “Statement by the Chairman of the CLCSon the Progress of Work in the Commission”, CLCS/42 (September14, 2004), para. 17,


Alexandre Pereira da Silva, “Dealing withArticles 76 and 82 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea:Legal and Political Challenges for Brazil”, OceanYearbook, Vol. 28, 2014, pp.160-161.

Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p.113.


Clive Symmons, “The Irish Partial Submission tothe CLCS in 2005: A Precedent for Future Such Submissions in the Light of the‘Disputed Areas’ Procedures of the Commission”, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 37, 2006, p.306.

Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, p. 683.

[65] Clive Symmons, “The Irish Partial Submissionto the CLCS in 2005: A Precedent for Future Such Submissions in the Light ofthe ‘Disputed Areas’ Procedures of the Commission”, Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 37, 2006,pp. 308, 310.

[66] Edwin Egede, “Submission of Brazil and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention 1982”, TheInternational Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 21, No. 1,2006, pp. 39, 41.



参见Gerhard Hafner, “Some Remarks on the SouthChina Sea Award: Itu Aba versus Clipperton”, Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook ofInternational Law and Affairs, Vol. 34, 2016, Brill, pp.1-19.

Yoshifumi Tanaka, “Reflections on theInterpretation and Application of Article 121(3) in the South China SeaArbitration (Merits),” Ocean Development and International Law, Vol. 48,No. 3-4, 2017, pp. 373 .

Yann-huei Song (2018) The July 2016 ArbitralAward, Interpretation of Article 121(3) of the UNCLOS, and Selecting Examplesof Inconsistent State Practices, Ocean Development & International Law,49:3, 247-261.

Alex G. Oude Elferink, “The South China SeaArbitration’s Interpretation of Article 121(3) of the LOSC: A DisquietingFirst”, in the JCLOS Blog, (September7, 2016),

site.uit.no/jclos/files/2016/09/The-South-China-Sea-Arbitrations-Interpretation-of-Article-1213-of-the-LOSC-A-Disquieting-First.pdf. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

Joanna Mossop, “The South China Sea Arbitrationand New Zealand’s Maritime Claims”, in Victoria University of WellingtonLegal Research Papers (Paper No 9/2018) Vol. 8, Issue No 2, 2018, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3123313.


[70]“... itshall not take action on the part of recommendations prepared by theSub-commission in relation to the area of Oki-no-Tori Shima, until theCommission decides to do so.”参见paragraph 26 of Chairman’s Statement (CLCS/64),24th session, New York, 10 August – 11 September 2009,athttps://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/536/21/PDF/N0953621.pdf?OpenElement.

[71]“Progress of Work in the CLCS- Statement by theChairperson” (CLCS/74) for the 29th session in New York, 19 March-27 April 2012, para. 19 in page 5. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N12/326/32/PDF/N1232632.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[72] Section 4 (Relevant Maritime Delimitations) ofthe Executive Summary of Japan’s Submission, page 8, http://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/submissions_files/jpn08/jpn_execsummary.pdf访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[73] China’s communication dated on 6 February 2009,http://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/submissions_files/jpn08/chn_6feb09_e.pdf. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

Korea’scommunication dated on 27 February 2009,

http://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/submissions_files/jpn08/kor_27feb09.pdf. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[74] Paragraph 54 of Chairman’s Statement(CLCS/62), 23rd session, New York, 2 March – 9 April2009, https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/307/58/PDF/N0930758.pdf?OpenElement. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[75]Section 4 (Relevant Maritime Delimitations) ofthe Executive Summary of Japan’s Submission, page 8, http://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/submissions_files/jpn08/jpn_execsummary.pdf. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[76] Paragraph 54 of Chairman’s Statement(CLCS/62), 23rd session, New York, 2 March – 9 April2009, https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/307/58/PDF/N0930758.pdf?OpenElement. 访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[77] Paragraphs 14 of Chairperson’s Statement(CLCS/72), 28th session, New York, 1 August - 9September 2011 https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N11/501/39/PDF/N1150139.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[78]《议事规则》附件一的标题是“Submissions in case of a dispute betweenStates with opposite or adjacent coasts or in other cases of unresolved land ormaritime disputes”。

[79]“Progress of Work in the CLCS - Statement bythe Chairperson” (CLCS/74) for the 29th session in New York, 19 March-27 April 2012, para. 19 in page 5. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N12/326/32/PDF/N1232632.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。


[81]“Progress of Work in the CLCS- Statement by theChairperson” (CLCS/74) for the 29th session in New York, 19 March-27 April 2012, para. 19 in page 5. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N12/326/32/PDF/N1232632.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[82] ILA, Berlin Conference (2004) - Legal Issues of theOuter Continental Shelf, 2004, p.10.

[83] Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p.121.

[84] United Nations Seabed Committee,A/AC.138/SR.57, p. 167, 转引自Jia Yu and Wu Ji-Lu, “The Outer ContinentalShelf of Coastal States and the Common Heritage of Mankind”, Ocean Development and International Law,Vol. 42, No. 4, 2011, p. 321.

[85] Paragraph 54 of Chairman’s Statement(CLCS/62), 23rd session, New York, 2 March – 9 April2009, https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/307/58/PDF/N0930758.pdf?OpenElement.访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[86] Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p.113 .

McDorman, “The Entry into Force of the 1982 LOSConvention and Article 76 Outer Continental Shelf Regime”, InternationalJournal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995, p.177.

McDorman, “The Role of the Commission on theLimits of the Continental Shelf: A Technical Body in a Political World”, The International Journal of Marine and CoastalLaw, Vol. 17, No. 3, 2002, p. 312.

Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, p. 682.

[87] “Statement by the Chairman of the CLCS on theProgress of Work in the Commission” (CLCS/64) for the 24th session in New York,10 August - 11 September 2009, para. 106 in page22. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/536/21/PDF/N0953621.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。.

[88] “Progress of Work in the CLCS- Statement bythe Chairperson” (CLCS/74) for the 29th session in New York, 19 March-27 April 2012, para. 19 in page 5. https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N12/326/32/PDF/N1232632.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。


[90] IanBrownlie, Principles of Public International Law,Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 2008,pp123-162.

[91] Paragraph 59 of Chairman’s Statement(CLCS/62), 23rd session, New York, 2 March–9 April 2009,https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/307/58/PDF/N0930758.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[92] Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Recent Decisions by theCommission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Japan’s Submission forOuter Continental Shelf”, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2012, , pp.501-502.

[93] Paragraphs 24-25 of Chairman’s Statement(CLCS/64), 24th session, New York, 10 August – 11September 2009, https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N09/536/21/PDF/N0953621.pdf?OpenElement访问日期:2018年12月11日。

Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship betweent the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MartinusNijhoff Publishers, p. 111.

Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, pp.683, 692.

Dispute Concerning Delimitation of the MaritimeBoundary Between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal(Bangladesh/Myanmar), Judgment, 14 March 2012, para. 411.

[94]《维也纳条约法公约》第31(1)-(2)条规定:“1. 条约应依其用语按其上下文并参照条约之目的及宗旨所具有之通常意义,善意解释之。2. 就解释条约而言,上下文除指连同弁言及附件在内之约文外,并应包括...”。

Oude Elferink, “The Continental Shelf Beyond200 Nautical Miles: The Relationship between the CLCS and Third Party DisputeSettlement”, in Alex G. Oude Elferink and Donald R. Rothwell (eds.), Ocean Management in the 21stCentury: Institutional Frameworks and Responses, 2004, MatinusNijhoff Publishers, pp. 122-123.


[96] Huw Llewellyn, “The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: JointSubmission by France, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly,Vol. 56, July 2007, pp.681, 687.



[99] Michael Sheng-ti Gau, “Recent Decisions by theCommission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Japan’s Submission forOuter Continental Shelf”, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vol. 11, 2012,pp.501-502.

ILA, Berlin Conference (2004) - Legal Issues of the Outer ContinentalShelf, 2004, pp. 2-3, 5-6.

[100]日本划界案当中的ODR海域的部分,参见Executive Summary of Japan’s Submission to theCLCS, Figures 1.1 and 6.6, pp. 6, 21.


关于委员会建议中,涉及ODR海域的部分,参见Figure 20, 标题为 “Bathymetric map showing outer edge formulalines in the Southern Oki-Daito Ridge”. 参见“SummaryofRecommendationsof The CLCSin Regardtothe SubmissionMadeby Japanon 12 November 2008”, Figure 27,entitled“Bathymetric map showing outer edge formula lines in the Shikoku BasinRegion”,


[101]日本划界案当中的SKB海域,参见Executive Summary of Japan’s Submission to theCLCS, Figures 1.1及 6.7,第6、23页,



“SummaryofRecommendationsof The CLCSin Regardtothe SubmissionMadeby Japanon 12 November 2008”, Figure 27,entitled“Bathymetric map showing outer edge formula lines in the Shikoku BasinRegion”,



[103]“SummaryofRecommendationsof The CLCSin Regardtothe SubmissionMadeby Japanon 12 November2008”, Figure 27, entitled“Bathymetric map showing outer edge formulalines in the Shikoku Basin Region”,



[105]参见Figure 27,

“SummaryofRecommendationsof The CLCSin Regardtothe SubmissionMadeby Japanon 12 November 2008”, Figure 27, entitled“Bathymetricmap showing outer edge formula lines in the Shikoku Basin Region”,


北纬24.5度,并未被Figure 27所明示。这是方银霞博士计算出来的结果。可以确定的是,委员会对于SKB海域的建议,最南端的界限,跟冲之鸟礁200海里外部界限不同。请比较Figures 1.1以及6.7。参见 Executive Summary of Japan’s Submission to theCLCS,同Figures 1.1及 6.7,第6、23页,下载自http://www.un.org/depts/los/clcs_new/submissions_files/jpn08/jpn_execsummary.pdf,第6、23页。访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[106] Jon Van Dyke, Speck in the Ocean Meets Law of the Sea, New York Times, January 21, 1988,p. A26, https://www.nytimes.com/1988/01/21/opinion/l-speck-in-the-ocean-meets-law-of-the-sea-406488.html.访问日期:2018年12月11日。

[107] [1951] I.C.J. Reports, 132.

[108] Alex G. Oude Elferink, “’openness’ and Article76 of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Process Does Not Need to Be Adjusted”,Ocean Development and InternationalLaw, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2009, p.38.




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