

法学博士,外交学院中国外交理论研究中心助理研究员。研究兴趣为以古希腊战争史、特别是海战与海权的演变发展为经验研究基础,探索古典思想传统在当代国际关系中的体现与影响。在外交、战略与古典学等相关领域发表论文、译文十余篇,参加国际国内学术会议多次,即将出版以博士论文为基础的专著《战争与自由衰变》及越战方面的独译译著《美军的越战真相》。目前正在从事的工作,除相关部委的多项政策课题研究、自身旨趣所在的学术研究写作之外,还包括翻译Donald Kagan教授《伯罗奔尼撒战争史论》多卷本及苏格兰启蒙思想家Adam Ferguson的《共和罗马崛起与衰亡史》第三卷。



2012-2013年:美国耶鲁大学古典学系 中美富布赖特项目联合培养博士生






· 外交学院科研创新项目一般项目《海上决战与战略传统塑造》,2016年度,项目独立承担者,进行中。

· 国家领土主权与海洋权益协同创新中心科研项目《陆权国家的海洋战略:一项历史与思想考察》,2015年,项目独立承担者,已完成。

· 外交学院青年教师启动项目《强国崛起、战争诸因与修昔底德迷思》,2014-2015年,项目独立承担者,已结项。

· 中国人民大学研究生科研基金项目《经典论说中的波斯、雅典、罗马》,2011年,项目独立承担者,已结项,结项成果评定为优秀。


· 李隽旸:“斯巴达进入海洋:战略僵局、外交革命与德行溃败”,《外交评论》2015年第5期,第93-116页。

· 李隽旸:“那机运就是罗马:波利比乌斯论城邦、自由与和平”,《复旦政治哲学评论》第六辑,第147-167页。

· Junyang LI, “Receiving, then Denying: A Brief Reception History of Thucydides and His Work in China”,Sino-American Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol.1 (March 2015),pp. 106-121.

· 李隽旸、时殷弘:“帝国的冲动、惯性与极限:基于希罗多德波斯史撰的帝国战争考察”,《中国人民大学学报》2012年第1期,第99-108页。

· 李隽旸、时殷弘:“风习与政制——对国际权势的认知方法的一大古典演进”,《国际政治科学》2011年第4期,第108-129页。

· 李隽旸:“第十六章 历史方法”,载陈岳、田野主编:《国际政治学学科地图》,“大学学科地图丛书”,北京大学出版社,2016年,第242-254页。

· 【英】Lawrence Freedman著,李隽旸译:“战略的经典模式”,《中国国际战略评论2015》,北京:世界知识出版社2015年,第18-29页。


· 美国研究青年学者(Chinese Leaders in American Studies Fellow, 2014),2014年-2015年,美中教育基金、中美人文交流基地。

· 富布赖特博士生学者(Fulbright Ph.D. Grantee),2012年-2013年,美国国务院、中国国家留学基金委。

· 国家奖学金(2次),2013年、2008年,教育部。

· 优秀硕士学位论文奖,2010年,中国人民大学。

Junyang LI

Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Research

Center for Diplomatic Studies, China Foreign Affairs University

Ph.D. in International Politics, Assistant Professor of Research at Center for Diplomatic Studies, China Foreign Affairs University. She is interested in exploring how classical traditions make their influence over modern international relations, especially in terms of naval warfare, maritime strategy, and diplomacy. She has published several papers in peer reviewed journals while a monograph on classical Greek warfare, based on her doctoral dissertation, as well as a translation of a book on Vietnam War are forthcoming. As for now, besides intensive participation in a number of policy research projects and her own academic research, her professional devotion also includes translating Professor Donald Kagan’s A New History of the Peloponnesian War (in several volumes) and Scottish philosopher and historian Adam Ferguson’s the History of the Progress and the Termination of the Roman Republic (Vol. III).


Diplomacy, Strategic Studies, Sea Power, Naval Warfare, Classics.

Academic Qualifications:

2010-2013 Renmin University of China (School of International Studies), Ph.D. in International Politics;

2012-2013 Yale University (Department of Classics), Visiting Assistant in Research / Fulbright Ph.D Grantee;

2008-2010 Renmin University of China (School of International Studies), M.A. in International Relations;

2004-2008 Renmin University of China (School of International Studies, School of Information), B.A. in International Politics (major), B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology (minor).

Working Experience:

2013-now: China Foreign Affairs University, Assistant Professor in Research

Research Projects:

Research grant for innovative studies (“Decisive Naval Battles and the Making of Maritime Strategic Traditions”), China Foreign Affairs University, 2016.

Research grant for affiliated scholars (“Continental Powers Go to Seas: a historical and intellectual study”), Innovative Collaboration Center for National Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights, 2015.

Research grant for newly recruited scholars (“Rising of Powers, Causes of Wars, and the Thucydidean Myth”), China Foreign Affairs University, 2014-2015.

Research grant for outstanding graduate students (“Persia, Athens and Rome in Classical Narratives”), Renmin University of China, 2011.

Major Publications

Junyang LI, “Sparta Goes to Seas: Strategic Deadlock, Diplomatic Revolution, Political Degradation”, Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.32, No.5 (September 2015), pp.93-116.

Junyang LI, “Tyche Imagined as Rome: Polybius on Polis, Freedom and Peace”, Fudan Review of Political Philosophy, Vol. 6 (2015), pp.147-167.

Junyang LI, “Receiving, then Denying: A Brief Reception History of Thucydides and His Work in China” (in English),Sino-American Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol.1 (2015), pp. 106-121.

Junyang LI, Yinghong SHI, “Empires and its Dynamics, Inertia, and Limits: the Herodotean Inquiries”, Journal of Renmin University of China, Vol.26, No. 1 (January 2012), 2012, pp.99-108.

Junyang LI, Yinhong SHI, “From Nomos to Institutions: Epistemological Evolution on Great Powers”, Quarterly Journal of International Politics, No. 28 (Winter 2011), pp.108-129.

Lawrence Freedman, trans. Junyang LI, “Classical Model of Strategy”, China International Strategy Review 2015, pp.18-29.

Honors and awards:

“Chinese Leaders in American Studies” (CLAS) Fellowship, US-China Education Trust, 2015.

Fulbright Grant for Ph.D. candidates, as a Visiting Assistant in Research at the Department of Classics, Yale University, Department of State of the United States, 2012-2013.

National Scholarship (twice), Ministry of Education of China, 2013, 2008.

Best Masters’ Theses Award, Renmin University of China, 2010.

Fulbright Grant for Ph.D. candidates, as a Visiting Assistant in Research at the Department of Classics, Yale University, Department of State of the United States, 2012-2013.

National Scholarship (twice), Ministry of Education of China, 2013, 2008.

Best Masters’ Theses Award, Renmin University of China, 2010.

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