苗 吉














1. Securing the Status Quo: Contesting Interests and Discourses in the East and South China Sea and Sino-Japan Relations, Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, Vol.1, No.30, 2018.

2. 《多元中的演进:日本视野中的“一带一路”倡议》,《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2018(01)。

3.《“他者”的中国与日本海洋国家身份的建构》,《外交评论》, 2017年第3期。




4.MIAO Ji, Expectation and Reality: Managing the Risks of the Belt And Road Initiative, China Quarterly for International and Strategic Studies, 2015 (10).





9.《日印接近:走向特殊全球战略伙伴关系?》,《当代世界》, 2014年12期。



11.“Strategic Vigilance and Strategic Adaptation: Japan and Australia’s Response to China’s Rise”, Foreign Affairs Review, 2015(1).



2.Securing the Status Quo: Contesting Interests and Discourses in the South China Sea and Sino-Japan Relations, International Studies Association 2017, Hong Kong, June, 2017.

3.The Emerging China-Japan Maritime Rivalry,第四届上海海洋论坛,上海, 2016年5月。

4. 《国家为什么拥核——朝鲜拥有核武的原因及其解决思路》, 中国国际关系学会年会暨朝核问题与大国关系研讨会, 延边大学,2015年10月。

5.「新興階層と統戦部工作」、《中国共産党に関する政治社会学的実証研究》、日本法政大学、 2015年3月。



8.Transitory Split and Anxiety: the evolving discourses agendas and challenges for Chinese Media,Melbourne Conference on China 2012, Melbourne,May 2012.


1. 中国-东盟思想库网络(NACT)科研项目《美日对湄公河国家的援助模式及特点》

2. 博鳌亚洲论坛中方联席会议课题《东亚经济共同体建设中的中日韩合作》,参与。

3. 中国-东盟思想库网络(NACT)科研项目《管控“一带一路”倡议的风险》

4. 中国-东盟思想库网络(NACT)科研项目《美日同盟与东盟:模式之争与亚太秩序》

5. 商务部 “十三五”规划研究课题《新时期我国经济外交战略和多双边经贸关系》,参与。


7. 中国-东盟研究院“教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划”青年项目(项目编号CW201416)中美日三边关系对中国-东盟关系影响研究。

8. 博鳌亚洲论坛中方联席会议课题《提升东北亚名人会的作用 促进东北亚地区合作》,参与

9. 中国-东盟思想库网络(NACT)科研项目

10. 中国海洋发展研究中心青年项目”(项目编号AOCQN201319)《日本海洋国家战略背景下的台湾政策及日台关系》

11. 博鳌亚洲论坛中方联席会议调研课题《东北亚合作:当前局势、未来走势与政策建议》,参与


Research Fellow, Institute of Asian Studies, Center for China-Japan-Korea Trilateral Cooperation, China Foreign Affairs University, August 2012-Present


Ph. D Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Tokyo, Sept, 2009-Feb 2016

M.A, Ph.D, School of International Studies, Renmin University of China, Sept, 2005-June 2012



· Li Fujian & Miao Ji (eds.), Routledge Handbook for Asian Regionalism 2012, Beijing: China Social Sciences Press, Chinese version of Mark Beeson and Richard Stubbs, (eds.), November 2017.

· Miao Ji, A Comparative Study of China and America’s African Policy since the Mid-1950s, Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2015.

· Xi Jinping’s “Right Concept on Justice and Interest”, Beijing: Economic Sciences Press, forthcoming early 2018.

· Tunisia: A Guide to the World Series, Social Sciences Academic Press, forthcoming.

· China and Japan, Series on Road of Friendship, Hunan People’s Press, forthcoming.

Book Chapters

· The Emerging New Class and the United Front Work of China Communist Party, (book chapter) in Masaharu Hishida (ed.) forthcoming.

· Miao Ji, Japan and East Asian Cooperation (2012), Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2013.

· Cui Haining $ Miao Ji, APEC in East Asian Cooperation, in Qin Yaqing (ed.,) East Asian Cooperation 2012, Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2013.

Journal Articles

· Securing the Status Quo: Contesting Interests and Discourses in the East and South China Sea and Sino-Japan Relations, Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, Vol.1, No.30, 2018.

· Evolution amid Diversity: “Belt and Road” Initiative in Japan’s Perspective, Journal of Liaoning University, 2018 (01).

· Expectation and Risks Management of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, Forum of World Politics and Economics, 2017(03).

· China as an “other” and Japan as an Oceanic State, Foreign Affairs Review, 2017(03).

· Japan’s Evolving Policy towards the Diaoyu (Senkaku) Islands, Pacific Journal, 2016 (11).

· Miao Ji, Expectations and Reality: managing the risks of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative”, China Quarterly for International Strategic Studies (shanghai), Vol.1, No.3. 2015(11).

· Miao Ji, Lonely Allies: U.S-Japan Alliance as Seen from Abe’s Visit to the States, Contemporary World (Beijing), 2015 (06).

· Miao Ji & Li Fujian, China and Asian Regionalism, Foreign Theoretical Trends (Beijing), 2015(02).

· Miao Ji & Li Fujian, the Game of Orders: Competition between U.S.-Japan Alliance and ASEAN, Forum of World Politics and Economics, 2015(02).

· Miao Ji, Rapprochement of Japan and India: towards a global partnership? Contemporary World (Beijing), 2014(12).

· Miao Ji & Li Fujian, Strategic Vigilance and Strategic Adaptation: Japan and Australia’s Response to China’s Rise, Foreign Affairs Review, 2014 (1).

· Miao Ji, African Policy of Bush and Obama’s Administration: A Comparison, Journal of University of International Relations, 2012 (2).

International Conferences

· Securing the Status Quo: Contesting Interests and Discourses in the South China Sea and Sino-Japan Relations, International Studies Association 2017, Hong Kong, forthcoming June, 2017

· Emerging China-Japan Maritime Rivalry, China International Forum on Marine Issues, Shanghai, May, 2016

· Why States Choose to have a bomb: North Korea’s pursuit of nuclear deterrence and why China’s present strategy won’t work, Annual Conference of China Association of International Studies, Yanji, 2015

· D.C. or Tokyo: What Beijing should learn for Urban Planning, Network of East Asian Think-tanks (NEAT) Working Group Meeting on Urbanization, Singapore, July, 2015

· The Emerging New Class and the United Front Work of China Communist Party, Symposium on Zhongnanhai Studies: China Communist Party’s Survival Strategy, Hosei University, Tokyo, 2015

· China and Japan’s Decision-making Mechanism and Mistrust, China-Japan Youth Forum: How to Overcome Strategic Mistrust between China and Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo, February, 2015

· Transitory Split and Anxiety: The Evolving Discourse, Agenda, and Challenges for Chinese Media, Melbourne Conference on China 2012, Melbourne, May, 2012.

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