

李大龙, 1964年5月生,祖籍河北省河间市,中国社会科学院中国边疆研究所编审、《中国边疆史地研究》杂志主编、博士生导师,云南大学兼职教授、博士生导师。















Name:Li Dalong

Position/Title: Doctor in Histories, Editor of Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies CASS, Chief Editor of China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Editorial Director

Institute/Department: Editorial Department, Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies, CASS

Bio: Li Dalong was born in May 1964 in Hejian of Hebei Province. He is editor of Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies CASS, the chief editor of China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, and a doctoral supervisor of Graduate School of CASS; he also is the professor and doctoral supervisor of Yunnan University.

Outside of editing job he focuses on the research of China’s border theories, borderland history of Han and Tang Dynasty, especially Gaogouli history. He has published The Borderland Politics and Officials in the West and East Han Dynasty (first edition in 1996, second edition in 1998), The Research of Envoys Contacts Between Tang Dynasty and Borderland Minorities (first edition in 2001, second edition in 2013), Research On Duhu System (first edition in 2003, second edition in 2013), and other more than 10 works. He also has published more than one hundred papers in Ethno-National Studies, China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, Study & Exploration and other magazines. Two of his representative works are Research on Biography of Gaogouli in History of the Three Kingdoms (2014), Research on Feudatory System in Han and Tang Dynasty (2006) were awarded first prize and second prize by writing class of State Ethnic Affairs Commission outstanding achievements.

Expertise: Outside of editing job he works on the research of China’s ethnic history, borderland history and borderland theory, and focuses on research of Chinese ancient borderland ethnic policies, administrative organization, regime and multi-national state territory theory. His researches on feudatory system, Duhu system, history of Koguryo, borderland theory and other aspects have got significant influences in academic field. The newest achievement is From “Tianxia” to “China”: Deconstruction of Multi-national State Borderland Theory.

Academic Qualifications:

From September 1982 to June 1986, major in Archaeology of Department of History of Northwest University, and received a Bachelor's degree in History.

From September 2006 to June 2009, studied in Graduate School of Minzu University of China as on-the-job postgraduate, received a doctor's degree in history.

Working Experience

From 1986 to 2000, worked in the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

From 2000 to now, working in the Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Research Projects

Research projects about Gaogouli: Great task of Chinese Academy of Social Science, Ancient China Gaogouli History Series; Subproject of special projects Serial Research Projects of History and Reality in North-Eastern Borderland which supported by National Social Science Foundation, Further Discussion of Ancient Gaogouli History and Research on Biography of Gaogouli in History of the Three Kingdoms

Research projects about national relationships: Subproject of special projects Research on Interaction between Nomadic Country System and Feudatory Dynasty in the project On the Past and the Present of Northern Borderland which supported by National Social Science Foundation

Major Publications

Research on Feudatory System in Han and Tang Dynasty, China Social Science Press (2006)

Research on Biography of Koguryo in History of the Three Kingdoms, Heilongjiang Educational Press” (2014)

From “Tianxia” to “China”: Deconstruction of Multi-national State Borderland Theory, People's Publishing House (2015)

Contact details:

Phone number:010-65274307

Email address:lidl64@cass.org.cn

Honors and awards

He is an expert who enjoys the special allowance of the State Council.

He won the honorary title” Leader of China Publishing Industry” in 2014.

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